Video Scripting & Creation

Give your business a personal face and open up your content to be viewed and shared by millions.

Videos tell a compelling story in a short time. Some messages are conveyed better through a video. The right music with the video can alter the mood. Uploading the video to YouTube, or sharing it on other social channels can get you many views, and traffic to the website.

Read some amazing facts on why B2B should adopt video in a big way

Why convert your content to Video? Watch a short video below on why B2B is using videos to tell their story and increase business.

Mantran offers end-to-end Video Creation services:

  • Conceptualization, creating the story
  • Writing the video script
  • Storyboarding
  • Shooting editing, producing the video
  • Relevant keywords for your video marketing

Please contact us if you want powerful videos ranging from a few seconds to a few minutes.

The case for B2B Video Marketing

More and more B2B buyers are watching business videos to understand a vendor’s offerings quickly, in an entertaining manner.

It has become imperative for Marketing chiefs to allocate budgets towards creating and marketing videos to B2B buyers. Videos can be used very effectively to explain services, build trust, communicate branding and so on.

Watch our video on 'The case for B2B Video Marketing' >

What’s suitable as Video content?

What’s suitable as Video content?

What’s suitable as Video content?

What to measure?

No of likes
No of shares
Traffic from video to Website


Call us to hear our ideas on what videos would work for your organization to generate interest in your brand and get traffic. And our timeframes.


Selecting the right B2B Video Content

Selecting the right B2B Video Content

A B2B company needs to select the right video content to engage with its audiences and see success in its video marketing. Let's take a quick look at different video types Digital Marketing Managers could think of commissioning.


Text Testimonials Work, but Video Testimonials Work Better

Text Testimonials Work, but Video Testimonials Work Better

Video customer testimonials are a great way for B2B companies to advance their business as they are endorsements of a company’s products and services that create trust. We may also add that a video testimonial goes a long way in reaching your prospects. It may be difficult to get your clients to talk to each
