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It’s time to re-think your B2B voice – Incorporate conversational writing!23 February 2018, mantran

The ability of writing in a conversational style works well for both b2c and b2b readers. Here's our take on why conversational writing is important and how you can incorporate it in your b2b brand voice.


Storytelling in Content Marketing – What, Why & How?9 February 2018, mantran

What is storytelling? Why is storytelling so important in content marketing? How can you implement storytelling in your marketing content? Here’s an answer to all your queries.


Why is content marketing crucial for Indian IT companies in 2018?26 December 2017, mantran

Why is content marketing crucial for Indian IT companies in 2018?Selling IT services is no joke! Selling IT services worldwide is really no joke at all. IT companies in India market their services across the world. As with all selling, it involves starting conversations, keeping them going, and pushing IT buyers through different stages of


Map your Content to the B2B Buying Cycle28 April 2016, mantran

Simply creating content is not the same as creating content to meet the goals of your target audience. Your audience looks for specific content at each stage of their buying journey. 76% of B2B buyers prefer different content at each stage of the buying cycle. Apart from this, buyers can be 90% of the way


Using Design and Content right on Responsive sites to Wow your B2B customers17 February 2016, mantran

Buyers from all verticals have moved to viewing and browsing vendor sites on their mobile devices. 42% of B2B buyers use a mobile device for research during the B2B purchasing process. There has been a 91% growth in B2B buyers using smart phones throughout the purchase cycle for their product research.You have to make the


Case studies: Telling the customer success story right17 November 2015, mantran

No matter how much you write and talk about your services and how good they are, nothing can be as convincing as the validation of a happy customer, a need successfully fulfilled, and a problem skillfully solved. Very often, well-presented customer success stories assure and encourage your potential buyers. It serves to win over a


How to Build Quality Content from Various Sources in a B2B company16 November 2015, mantran

Well, you’re the Marketing Content Manager responsible for putting quality content out there regularly, day after day, to fulfill various needs like – web content, campaigns, social posts, blogs, product updates, videos, white papers, case studies, PR – you name it. Now perhaps you’ve got all this under control, and you’re on top of things,


Complete vs Progressive Website Re-Design17 August 2015, mantran

How often should you make changes to your website? Should you only do a complete one-time redesign every few years or make small continuous changes? If you want your website to be a high performance website, a once-in-5-years or once-in-3-years comprehensive redesign may not be the solution. A high performance website needs constant attention and


A complete website re-design – Why and When17 August 2015, mantran

As your organization is judged a great deal by its website, it’s important that visitors are impressed by your website. Not only impressed but are able to find information and interact with your website suitably, either on desktops or their smartphones. A good design will lead to better communication, usability and hence more stay time


Why does your website need fresh content?17 August 2015, mantran

You have just spent 3 months working on your new website and you wonder why you need to write new content again. Why is fresh content required on a regular basis?The fundamental reason is that content gets stale over time as your company introduces new products and services or features. This needs to be announced


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