It’s time to re-think your B2B voice – Incorporate conversational writing!23 February 2018, mantran

The ability of writing in a conversational style works well for both b2c and b2b readers. Here's our take on why conversational writing is important and how you can incorporate it in your b2b brand voice.


Do your lead nurturing right – turn your leads into customers12 January 2018, mantran

Struggling to hold on to your hard-earned leads? Lead Nurturing can come to your rescue if you do it right. Lead Nurturing is a process that has the potential to turn your leads into customers by building a relationship with them who are not ready to buy yet. A progress from strangers to prospects to


Harness the power of lead nurturing: Convert your leads into customers4 December 2017, mantran

The job of a marketer isn’t simply to acquire leads, but to help acquire customers. You need to keep conversing with your leads at every stage so that they buy into your brand and decide to become your customer. Here is our pick on why you should have a lead nurturing plan to convince and convert your leads into customers.


Email Marketing for B2B Businesses26 July 2017, mantran

In an era of inbound marketing, social media, blogs and such, why are we writing an article on email marketing? This is because it’s value for businesses in creating sales leads and revenue, and retaining customers remains undiminished. Email marketing for B2B businesses remains an important, cost-effective, easily created/designed, forwarded and easily measurable solution to
