It’s time to re-think your B2B voice – Incorporate conversational writing!23 February 2018, mantran

The ability of writing in a conversational style works well for both b2c and b2b readers. Here's our take on why conversational writing is important and how you can incorporate it in your b2b brand voice.


Map your Content to the B2B Buying Cycle28 April 2016, mantran

Simply creating content is not the same as creating content to meet the goals of your target audience. Your audience looks for specific content at each stage of their buying journey. 76% of B2B buyers prefer different content at each stage of the buying cycle. Apart from this, buyers can be 90% of the way


B2B Lead Generation through Social Media Marketing in India16 November 2015, mantran

As a B2B business in India, are you using social media marketing to generate leads? In the US, B2B companies generated 3 times more leads through social media than other traditional channels1. India also reflects the trend. 69% of Indian B2B marketers acknowledged Social Media Marketing to be one of the primary content marketing activities
